The future of online Help

Classical online Help looks old-fashioned today. Features that were once innovative now seem stale and unappealing; the participatory Web has surpassed them. Nevertheless, classical software products cannot do without Help. In the future, Help needs to be leaner, more mobile, and graphic. Information should also be created and structured in a neutral format.

Text by Sissi Closs


The future of online Help

The following central criteria have always been significant for the acceptance of any information product, but they are becoming ever more important in the electronic world of the future:

  1. Quick access - Access must be simple and straightfoward for Help content to be noticed at all.
  2. Easy orientation - Users need to find their way quickly. Handling must be comfortable. This means easy operation, familiar structure, clear navigation, and attractive presentation.
  3. High utility - The information found must be current and helpful.

As long as an information product enjoys a certain exclusivity, users will overlook weak points. But as alternatives become available, weaknesses in even one area can cause users to ignore the information product completely.

What’s wrong with conventional online Help?

Despite expectations, online Help in its classical form has never really gained traction. ...