Managing expectations across a project lifecycle

Business relationships can quite easily be compared to personal relationships. There are needs, wants and expectations. As with personal relationships, there are business relationships that hit it off immediately and then there are others, that need some warm-up time before deciding to work together. The biggest mistake businesses make while in a relationship are very similar to those made in personal relationships: Things are taken for granted, finer details and nuances are forgotten, too many assumptions are made and – most importantly – the most sensitive issues are not sufficiently spoken about. Stakeholders in any relationship – be it personal or business – constantly take actions that can bind or break the bond.

Text by Pundari Kumar Otto Salzer


Managing expectations across a project lifecycle

Overly excited about a deal successfully closed by the marketing & sales team, the project & production management teams step in with little understanding of the finer points and hard-nosed expectations that were so subtly negotiated during the course of the budding relationship.

Businesses may fall in love or may be married through demand and necessity. Irrespective, it is extremely important to build a system and framework to manage expectations. The fine art of managing expectations across a relationship should be harnessed into a technology-driven platform, that keeps the communication channels open and presents the most relevant vision of the relationship.

The stakeholders in a business relationship or a client-vendor relationship should be able to transition through the various phases of a project. The transition, processes and usability should be smooth.

Following is a vision ...