Developing a common language

Organizations today both manufacture and sell globally. This also affects technical writers, who more and more often have to collaborate with international colleagues and business partners. While personal meetings or virtual conferences can be organized without much ado, some things can go wrong with actual communication. Although many employees speak English, there are immense differences in the knowledge of the language and the culture. What measures can be taken to improve communication?

Text by Sissi Closs


Developing a common language

Exchange of information must go smoothly for a team to be successful. A fundamental requirement for this is a common language. But what applies as a common language today? The transformation in the workspace also entails significant changes in this regard. While it was taken for granted in the past that a company would communicate in the regional language, English now prevails in many companies, primarily due to globalization. Naturally, this has implications. Many employees are not native speakers of the language, have learnt it in school and have not developed their knowledge of the language any further. Difficulties are encoutered even in the simplest day-to-day situations.

Informal exchange

The informal exchange of information at work, at the coffee machine or during lunch is one of the most important pillars of knowledge transfer in an organization. It is difficult to start a ...