Choosing media strategically for cross-border team communications

More and more organizations are establishing cross-border teams to take advantage of global talent and global markets. Location and time are no longer impediments to building the 'dream team' but in our rush to take advantage of these new media of e-mail, video conferences and the like we may not realize that there is also some learning for us to do on the cultural front.

Text by Richard Cook


Choosing media strategically for cross-border team communications

More practical than cultural

The final media choices made by cross-border teams are usually more balanced towards practical issues than cultural considerations. Experience suggests that teams that diversify their communications repertoire to use different media consciously to achieve different effects at different times are more effective and achieve better performance. Most teams work out how to talk about and negotiate their preferences around the use of different communications media - e-mail, telephone, voice mail, etc. These preferences are based on a range of legitimate factors including habits, previous experience, cognitive style, talent, and ease of access. Considering cross-cultural issues requires thinking about time-zones and language issues (ease of speaking versus writing, reading versus listening in a second language).

Hot and cold media

It is important to consider ...