Augmented Reality: the new normal in technical writing?

Required by law to be delivered with every product, the written manual is here to stay. But using Augmented Reality, digital instructions can enhance the classic manual, making the information more intuitive and easier to understand.

Text by Katrien Devulder Jens Vanacker


Image: © Daikin

From your washing machine at home to complex industrial machinery, every device with the least bit of complexity comes with an installation manual. In fact, installation manuals constitute one of the main sources of product information shared between a product’s manufacturer and its installer. Especially for complex products requiring specialized installation procedures, clear installation instructions are crucial. Manufacturing companies have long relied on the installation manual, combined with installer training and certification, to guarantee high-quality installation of their products. But classic manuals have limits. As such, they often fall short when an installer runs into an issue during installation.

New emerging technologies provide opportunities for enhancement. What if, for instance, installers could rely on Augmented Reality to get clearer installation instructions onsite, ...