Introducing CIUTI

Initiated in 1960, CIUTI (pronounced [’sju:ti]) is the world’s oldest and most prestigious international association of university institutes with translation and interpretation programs. Devoted to excellence in T&I training and research, the CIUTI family tries to address the continuous challenges of T&I in the light of changing market needs and ongoing research.

Text by Peter A. Schmitt


Introducing the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission

Full membership of CIUTI is restricted to institutions of higher education offering degrees in translation, interpretation and multilingual or intercultural communication. This status is acquired upon successful completion of a quality-​based admission procedure. Associate membership of CIUTI can be bestowed on institutions, organizations and associations who subscribe to the CIUTI mission statement and cooperate with CIUTI, and is by invitation only. CIUTI is a non-​profit association under Belgian Law, and is run by a Board whose members are elected by the General Assembly of CIUTI member institute delegates.

CIUTI anticipated and formulated central objectives of the European higher education reform – especially the promotion of student and teacher mobility – as long as fifty years ago.

CIUTI shares the goals of the recent EMT (European Master’s in Translation) network project of the ...