Time is money – understanding US business culture

The US, the world’s third largest country both in size and population, is a multicultural mosaic of 300 million people of mixed race and heritage. Yet, despite this ethnic and cultural diversity the US still exhibits a distinct business culture. If you are planning business ventures in the US, a basic understanding of this business culture is essential to your success. Here are some insights that help you avoid common mistakes and misinterpretations.

Text by Elke Schulz


Time is money – understanding US business culture

Basic concepts

An important aspect of US culture is the American Dream: the widespread belief that every individual can succeed and prosper financially by working hard. This idea contributes to a strong work ethic and to a system that is merit based. The repercussions of this belief in US work life are long work hours and frequent overtime, as well as a clear distinction between management and subordinates.

In addition to a strong work ethic American business culture is also characterized by a heavy emphasis on individual initiative and achievement. Personal competence, professionalism and accountability for individual performance are highly valued. This leads to a work culture where superiors are only consulted when (absolutely) needed and where most business is carried out autonomously. However, more often than not this emphasis on individual achievement also contributes to a more ...