Stress - a question of assessment

Stress doesn’t fall from the sky – it’s we who create it for ourselves. Search inside of you and figure out what it is that’s stressing you out and why. And by the way, stress may not be as unhealthy as you think.

Text by Heidi Wahl


Stress - a question of assessment

Image: © Luca Bertolli/

Rush-hour traffic on the way to work, 120 unread emails in your inbox, and a headline that needs to be modified immediately – enough to drive you up the wall. It’s just after 9 in the morning and you’re already stressed, looking forward to calling it a day. If you feel this way, you’re not alone: Market research firm GfK carried out a survey and found that almost every second respondent (47.4 per cent) of 30 to 39-year-olds felt they were under constant pressure.

Getting you up in arms or lending you wings

Constant accessibility thanks to email and cell phones, information overdoses, pressure to succeed, and work amounting to 60 or more hours a week all lead to overload, stress symptoms and in a worst-case scenario, burnout. Chronic overload makes your body send out warning signals: Typical stress reactions include concentration lapses, insomnia, unfounded fear or panic, tightness in ...