Holidays for every occasion

At the time I’m writing this column, it’s that “happy” time in the United States between the Thanksgiving holiday in late November (the fourth Thursday of the month) and the impending Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Well, the “happy” part is debatable, as this period has become characterized by the absolute chaos of shopping, the challenges of winter travel and the “holiday crunch” in the workplace to complete as much as possible before most everyone disappears for a week or two.

Text by Tom Edwards


Holidays for every occasion

Regardless of one’s feelings towards this period and level of observance, it’s interesting to note how much the holidays affect our lives and schedules — usually providing high points throughout the year and events to anticipate and cherish, even if some might require a little extra effort on our part. Because of their significant influence on our observation of time and tradition, they also have an impact on business and culture by how the holidays are observed, marketed and represented as a special theme of content. Almost anywhere one glances during this time of year, content is available in all kinds of media to remind us of the “holiday season.” So, in this column, I’ll briefly explore the nature of holidays and specifically speak to their existence as types of content to be managed. Note: Regarding my use of the word holiday in this column, the word is being used to identify ...