Growth opportunities for technical communication

Technical writers are mediators and information managers who make complex technical products accessible to various target groups or audiences. Important traits for choosing the profession and practicing it are a high level of affinity towards technology, awareness of rules and communication skills. However, is technical competence alone enough? What is the role played by management topics across the company and business considerations that go beyond the budget and the immediate impact on day-to-day work?

Text by Isabelle Fleury Frank Fleury


Growth opportunities for technical communication

To quote the former German Federal Health Minister Professor Ursula Lehr: “The old doctor speaks Latin, the young one speaks English. The good doctor, however, speaks the language of the patient.” Technical writers spend their time and efforts on controlling and managing communication processes. They analyze the information need of target groups, conceptualize and create information products that are tailored to suit these and prepare their publication in various media.

Whereas this procedure is normal for the technical documentation of products, it cannot be applied blindly when it comes to dealing with corporate management: many writers concentrate mainly on the technical aspects of their work and their correct representation within the company. But they tend to feel that the middle and top managements are responsible for management topics that span the entire company. This is why ...