Quality manuals for quality products

Under the European law, the user manual is an integral part of the product. Faulty instructions or lacking safety information may lead to unforeseen liability claims. Several standards and directives give guidance on how to fulfill safety requirements, but also regulate design, use of language and information architecture of any high-quality manual.

Text by Konstantin Anagnostopoulos Thomas Bilz


Quality manuals for quality products

From the European consumer’s point of view, the most important thing is to understand what needs to be done when opening and installing a new – sometimes technically demanding –product or appliance. The user wants to know where to find specific directions, and, quite importantly, read them in an understandable language, that is, a language that avoids complex technical terms. There’s hardly anything more annoying for the European user than trying to find that exact page of a badly translated manual which finally tells him what to do! Unfortunately, this is an experience that happens all too often.

Design: legibility, structure and ergonomics

Surely a manual that is easy on the eye will make the consumer's experience of handling a new product incomparably more pleasing. Nowadays, in Europe, a lot of consideration is given to the ergonomic aspects of user manuals, such as innovative ...